- Numbered Scrolls
- Scroll 01 - Seals part of 4, 5, and part of 6. 530AD as the date of the Daily Sacrifice
- This Scroll is covering the date from halve way through the fourth seal to about the end of the sixth seal. We are given more light concerning the apostasy and the date of complete apostasy, as well as the meaning of many scriptures pertaining to this time period. In total the scroll spans 2300 years. Also nails down the date of the Daily Sacrifice being taken away.
- Scroll 02 The Beasts and Whore of Revelation
- Here with a bit of study and scripture marking we are able to understand the meaning of various beasts in the books of Revelations and Daniel. Quite interestingly Revelations 12:1-17 really starts hitting home with the fact that it is pertaining specifically to the time in which we now live. The world is a very interesting place and some serious things are about to start happening. If you study and ponder these chapters and the meanings you’ll really begin to see what exciting times we are all in.
- Scroll 03 Seven Seals Overview
- This is a very bold scroll to say the least. That being said it is very exact, but if you take the time to nail down a few of the scriptures you begin to see exactly how everything fits so perfectly to the exact date it makes you shiver. I recommend the end of Daniel 12. Read Ezekiel 4:6 first so you can understand the key. I see a lot of people cringe when they look at this especially near the end. None of those people ever tried looking up just a few of the scriptures to investigate. Please don’t be one of those people. I don’t want to have to say I tried to tell you so.
- Scroll 04 - Fifth Seal History
- This is a very informative scroll, which covers pretty much all of the fifth seal Daniel 11:1-45. If you didn’t have any of these scriptures marked or annotated that is about to change. Here you are really able to grasp what is going on, which kingdom is where, and most importantly what it all means. I really enjoyed this scroll it makes for a great study! Also understanding that Revelation 8 and 9 are the angels giving an accounting of what occurred in their seal at Adam Ondi Omen.
- Scroll 05 - Seven Times until Zion is Established Dec 2011
- A timeline stretching from 527 B.C. to 1805 A.D. representing the beginning and the end of the Holy Roman Empire. Another timeline from 530 B.C. until 2011 A.D. representing the completion of the great apostasy until the establishment of Zion preparatory to the Second Coming of the Lord. Along the bottom of the drawing we have some of the calculations of certain dates. The most interesting part of the scroll is the interpretations of Daniel 7:4-8 which are across the scroll just under the red timeline.
- Scroll 06 Justinian as the Son of Perdition, the Little Horn, and the Beast
- If you think back to the scripture used to support the apostasy, that day shall not come except that man of sin be revealed the Son of Perdition. That person is Justinian! In this scroll we go through a lot of the Roman Emperors and show exactly why Justinian is the Son of Perdition. Makes for a very good study.
- Scroll 07 Seven Seals in Columns
- Here we are able to see the problems in the past with calculating the seal dates. How long is a Time? How long is a Season? How long is a Little Season? Can these really be calculated? Each column Spans different parts of the timeline according to the chapter reference at the bottom. A very detailed historical over view of the seven seals from all the chapters in the scriptures that specifically reference to them. At the end of the scroll there is a very historically detailed 100 year timeline from about 450 A.D. to 540 A.D.
- Scroll 08 Kings Popes Temporal Spiritual Power, Mark of the Beast
- This scroll gives the meanings of scriptural revelatory questions such as what is the mark of the beast, when the spiritual and temporal power of the beast rise and fall, what is the smoke, and who are the locusts? Covering a time span from 200 B.C. to 560 A.D. Scroll 08 is full of scriptural historical evidence that will have you annotating for a week.
- Scroll 09 Battle of Pteria and battle of Thymbra dates. Joseph Smith in Daniel 10:14-19 1st Nisan 546 BC
- Comprising of parts of Daniel 5,8,9,10,11,12, and covering a very specific time span of 546 B.C. to 544 B.C. This scroll references to the first vision in Daniel 10:14-19. Daniel chapter 8: 1-8, prophecy, 1st Nisan 546, (verse 2) this vision is set by the river Ulai or River Eulaeus which means Pure Water and represents the time of Jesus in 30AD. (Bible Cyclopaedia pp 706). (verses 4-8) The prophecy of The Ram (Persia) and The Goat (Greece) before the mission of Jesus Christ.
- Scroll 10 - Daniel and King Nebuchadnezzar, Zion
- Scroll 011 Ten Tribes Ten Toes, Location of the Ten Tribes of Isreal.
- Scroll 012 Misc 1 and Misc 2
- Scroll 013 - Daniel's Vision
- Scroll 014 - Cherubim and Seraphim Organizations, Who and Why
- Scroll 01 - Seals part of 4, 5, and part of 6. 530AD as the date of the Daily Sacrifice
- Appendices
- Appendix 1 Angels - Detailed Description on the Cherubim and Seraphim
- Appendix 5 Angels - Progression through Light and Truth
- Appendix B Eternal Progression of Intelligence
- Appendix C - Book of Mormon Dates and Areas of Proof
- Appendix D Jehovah/Messiah (read with Appendix E)
- Appendix E Jehovah/Messiah (read with Appendix D)
- Appendix G - The Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are all Christ
- Appendix J FULL Seven Seals in Detail
- Appendix K - History and the Scripture from 609BC to 100BC
- Appendix M Book of Mormon Lehi's House
- Appendix N Seven Seals with Fifth Seal Confirmation Date
- Appendix 1 Angels - Detailed Description on the Cherubim and Seraphim
- Miscellaneous and Others
- Misc 4 Scroll Garden of Eden Tree of Life, The 4 Main Dispensations
- Within this perfect Plan of Salvation we have the 7 seals, which all span the space of about a thousand years each. Out side of the seven seals we have the 4 major Dispensations. Here in this scroll we are given the dates of these Dispensations and who the Heads of them are. This scroll also reveals some truths about the Garden of Eden.
- Council in Heaven Scroll
- QA1 The Holy Ghost a Personage of Spirit
- QA4 Is the Holy Ghost of the Godhead a Morning Star?
- QA5 Into what king of Being can another Man enter and reside there?
- QA7 To overcome the body of spirit and flesh (needs fixing)
- QA8 The Levels of Intelligences?
- QA14 Intelligence Doctrine & Covenants 93, 130
- QA18 The Organization of the Gods
- QA27 Zion can only be redeemed by the Elect of God
- QA48 The Power of the Priesthood
- Misc 4 Scroll Garden of Eden Tree of Life, The 4 Main Dispensations
The Scrolls
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